8. 10. 2024

Kawasaki introduced Mule fleet edition models: Designed for government or fleet customers

19. 6. 2020 16:59 | aktualizováno 6. 1. 2021 17:01 |

Kawasaki introduced Mule fleet edition models. Models are designed for government or fleet customers.

Kawasaki introduced Mule fleet edition models. Models are designed for government or fleet customers. The iconic Kawasaki MULE™ is a Trusted, Tried and True machine for side x side fleets. For the 2021 model year, Kawasaki introduces three new models thoughtfully tailored to meet industrial or commercial job site requirements.

These models are designed for government or fleet customers that operate any size fleet of side x sides and are looking for features that enhance the capabilities of their fleet vehicles. They include the two-row, six-passenger MULE PRO-DXT™ EPS FE, the two-row, four-passenger MULE™ 4010 Trans4x4® FE and the single-row, two-passenger MULE™ 4010 4X4 FE.

Every MULE FE model includes multiple accessories as standard equipment, requiring fewer modifications to service the needs of these customers. They feature a plastic roof, high visibility orange seat belts, horn, and a universal key. Additionally, FE models are delivered in a Bright White color, allowing the customer to easily add their logo.

The MULE PRO-DXT EPS FE features Kawasaki’s Trans Cab™ system that quickly transforms the spacious six-person, two-row cab to a single row, three-passenger machine with a steel floor bed, capable of handling 1,000 pounds of cargo. It is powered by a powerful 993cc three-cylinder diesel engine mated to a smooth CVT transmission with a 2,000-pound towing capacity, has four-wheel independent suspension, a 92.3” wheelbase, and speed-sensitive Electronic Power Steering (EPS).

The two-row, four-passenger MULE 4010 Trans4x4 FE is powered by Kawasaki’s proven 617cc V-twin engine with electronic fuel injection and can tow 1,200 pounds. It features a large steel cargo bed that can haul up to 800 pounds in the two-person configuration, electronic power steering and an all-new steel rear screen.

The single-row, two-passenger MULE 4010 4X4 FE is powered by Kawasaki’s 617cc V-twin engine and equipped with a large (46.3” x 56.1” x 11.2”) steel cargo bed. This workhorse is a valuable tool with a 6.3-gallon fuel tank and is easy to operate with durable mechanical controls as well as the all-new steel rear screen.

The entire MULE FE lineup is assembled in Lincoln, Nebraska from domestic and imported parts and is built to be the hardest worker on the jobsite. The Fleet Edition MULE models will be available in July 2020 and feature the Kawasaki STRONG 3-year limited warranty.

Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Ltd. (KHI) started full-scale production of motorcycles over a half century ago. The first Kawasaki motorcycle engine was designed based on technical know-how garnered from the development and production of aircraft engines, and Kawasaki’s entry into the motorcycle industry was driven by the company’s constant effort to develop new technologies.

Numerous new Kawasaki models introduced over the years have helped shape the market, and in the process have created enduring legends based on their unique engineering, power, design and riding pleasure. In the future, Kawasaki’s commitment to maintaining and furthering these strengths will surely give birth to new legends.

Kawasaki Motors Corp., U.S.A. (KMC) markets and distributes Kawasaki motorcycles, ATVs, side x sides, and Jet Ski® watercraft through a network of approximately 1,100 independent retailers, with close to an additional 7,700 retailers specializing in general purpose engines. KMC and its affiliates employ nearly 3,100 people in the United States, with approximately 260 of them located at KMC’s Foothill Ranch, California headquarters. (byp)

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